Varroa Update - Queensland Beekeepers
Information to assist Queensland beekeepers in the efforts to eradicate the Varroa Destructor mite incursion.
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It's hard to find but we persist. Where possible our buying dollar goes to Aussie businesses everytime.
About Us
Hello. My name is Kellie and I'm the owner of The Thriving Hive. I'm an urban beekeeper and apart from Bees, I'm passionate about great service, sharing beekeeping knowledge and practice and running a business that supports Australian beekeepers.
I hope you enjoy buying from us.
Introducing the amazing Australian-made, high-quality 5-frame Plastic NUC Box with lid from Nuplas Apiarist Supplies.
This great new Plastic NUC Box takes full-depth frames. With the lid and base interlocking, it can be stacked when empty as well as in use.
Information to assist Queensland beekeepers in the efforts to eradicate the Varroa Destructor mite incursion.
The Varroa Mite (Varroa Destructor) was detected in sentinel hives at the port of Newcastle, NSW around Friday 23 June 2022.
Some general information on lighting your smoker for a beehive inspection.